
Thursday, August 28, 2014

This Weekend in Weber County!

Time for this weekend's roundup of educational, free, athletic, or just plain fun(!) events happening in Weber County!

  • Thursday 6-8 pm. Oasis Concert Series at Oasis Community Garden, 2445 Monroe Blvd Ogden. FREE 
  • Friday 8am-2:30pm. Wildcat Block Party at Weber State. FREE
  • Friday and Saturday 7:30pm with additional matinee Saturday 2pm. "The Producers" plays at the Ziegfeld Theater$12-15
  • Friday and Saturday 7-9 pm with additional matinee Saturday 2-4pm. Sacred musical drama, "Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection." Peery's Egyptian TheatreFREE
  • Saturday 8am-1pm. Great American Pumpkin. Eventing Riders compete in an an exciting multi-discipline competition. FREE
  • Saturday 8am-5pm. Utah Appaloosa Horse Show. Appaloosa Horse owners from around the Western United States participate in show classes to collect points toward their national Show. FREE
  • Saturday 8am to 1pmOgden Farmer's Market. Enjoy fresh produce and artist, Dan Weldon. FREE
  • Sunday 12-5 pm. Blues Brews & BBQ at Snowbasin Resort. FREE
  • Movie screenings and various workshops at the Weber County Libraries. FREE

    Enjoy Weber County!

    Wednesday, August 27, 2014

    Get Your Shots - Earn Vacation Hours!

    We all need shots (also called vaccinations or immunizations) to help protect us from serious diseases. Vaccination is important because it not only protects the person receiving the vaccine, but also helps prevent the spread of certain diseases to those who are vulnerable; such as infants and young children, elderly, and those with chronic conditions and weakened immune systems. Unfortunately, many adults have not received the recommended vaccines, leaving themselves and their loved ones vulnerable to serious disease. You can earn .5 hour of vacation for receiving the flu shot and up to 1 hour of vacation for other recommended adult immunizations. See the Activity Menu for more details!

    Here's what you can do to protect yourself and others:

    • Everyone age 6 months and older needs to get a flu shot every year. The seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others from the flu. It can take up to two weeks for the flu vaccine to become fully effective in your body. Get the flu shot now to be fully protected by the time flu outbreaks begin!
    • Get the Tdap shot to protect against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough. Everyone needs to get the Tdap shot once, and pregnant women need a dose during each pregnancy.
    • Get a Td shot every 10 years to protect against tetanus and diphtheria.
    • If you are 60 or older, get a shot to prevent shingles. Shingles causes a rash and can lead to pain that lasts for weeks or months.
    • If you are 65 or older, get a shot to prevent pneumonia. This shot is sometimes called PPSV
    Take Action! Talk to your doctor or nurse to make sure that everyone in your family is up to date on their shots. To find out which shots adults and teenagers need visit HERE. If you have a child age 6 or younger, find out which shots your child needs HERE

    You can earn .5 hour of vacation for receiving the flu shot and up to 1 hour of vacation for other recommended adult immunizations. See the Activity Menu for more details!

    Monday, August 25, 2014

    August Brown Bag Lunch

    Wednesday August 27, is this month's Eat Earn & Learn! 

    We're delighted to have Michelle Singleton of the Weber-Morgan Health Department come and talk to us on the importance of being immunized! Make sure to attend and learn just why vaccinations are so important!

    There will be one presentation at 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. and another from 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. in room #312 of the Weber Center.  (Attending one of these session earns you points towards vacation time with the County's Wellness Program).

    Please download the Eat Earn & Learn flyer HERE and share it with your coworkers.

    Come Eat, Earn & Learn!

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    This Weekend in Weber County!

    Time for this weekend's roundup of educational, free, athletic, or just plain fun(!) events happening in Weber County!

    The DrumBus will be at the Ogden City Amphitheater
    Thursday, August 21 6:30-9 pm
    • Thursday 6-8 pm. Oasis Concert Series at Oasis Community Garden, 2445 Monroe Blvd Ogden. FREE 
    • Thursday 6:30-9 pm. Jeffrey Broussard & the Creole Cowboys at the Ogden City Amphitheater. See the "DrumBus" - a mobile music room fully equipped with percussion instruments from around the world. FREE 
    • Friday and Saturday 7:30pm. "The Producers" plays at the Ziegfeld Theater. $12-15
    • Friday thru Sunday. Ogden Valley Roots and Blues Festival at North Fork Park, Liberty. $27 for 1 day pass $57 for 3 day pass.
    • Friday and Saturday 7-9 pm. Sacred musical drama, "Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection." Peery's Egyptian TheatreFREE
    • Saturday 8am to 1pmOgden Farmer's Market. Enjoy fresh produce and artist, Big Red Judy. FREE
    • Saturday and Sunday 1pm. Guided Tour on "The Science of Snowmaking" at Snowbasin Resort. FREE
    • Sunday 12-5 pm. Blues Brews & BBQ at Snowbasin Resort. FREE
    • Movie screenings and various workshops at the Weber County Libraries. FREE
    • Family activities at various Weber County locations through the RAMP Program. FREE

      Enjoy Weber County!

      Wednesday, August 20, 2014

      Quick Tips for Reducing Your Child's Stress and Anxiety

      With school starting, you may notice some subtle changes in your child’s personality. These changes could be due to stress and anxiety related to going back to school, starting at a new school, the transition from elementary to junior high or from junior high to high school, making new friends, or trying out for sports. 

      Stress and anxiety is fairly common in children, with 10-20% of school-aged children experiencing anxiety symptoms daily, especially during those last weeks of summer. Here are a few quick tips you can do to help reduce your child’s anxiety and stress levels.

      Encourage your child to face his/her fears, not run away from them.

      Avoiding a stressful situation actually sustains that feeling of anxiety or fear rather than diminishing it. If a child faces his or her fears, the child will learn that the anxiety reduces naturally on its own over time. Your anxiety will reduce within 20-45 minutes if you stay in the anxiety-provoking situation.

      Teach your child that it is okay to be imperfect.

      Often we feel that it is necessary for our children to succeed in sports, school, and in performance situations, but, it is important to remember that our children succeed at different levels and in different ways. Sometimes we forget that kids need to be kids. Often, school becomes driven by grades and a perfect score instead of by enjoyment of learning and what was actually learned. This is not to say that striving to succeed is not important. It is important to encourage your child to work hard but equally as important to accept and embrace your child’s mistakes and imperfections.

      Schedule relaxing activities.

      Sometimes fun activities, like sports, can become more about success than they are about fun. Try to engage your children in activities purely for the sake of fun. This may include scheduling time each day for your child to play with toys, play a game, or play a sport without being competitive. Be involved with your kid’s playtime. Do yoga, paint, have a tea party, put on a play, or just be silly!

      Reward your child’s brave behaviors.

      When your child faces his or hers fears, reward with a high-five, a hug, praise, or even something tangible like a small toy or treat. This is not to be used as bribery. If you reward brave behaviors, your child will engage in them more often.

      Encourage your child to express his/her anxiety.

      When your child says that he or she is worried or scared, rather than just saying “you’ll be okay” or “you’re fine” encourage them to explain why they’re scared and make it a conversation where you can offer them advice and work out the anxiety together. This will help your child to avoid the idea that you may not care about or understand their feelings.

      Never give up!

      Anxiety and stress can be a chronic struggle but with repetition of anxiety and stress management techniques, your child will learn how to lower his or her anxiety level and how to cope with stressful situations. Repetition is key! Have a regular sleep schedule and keep a plan of how to handle stressful situations. Remember to manage your own stress also. Kids tend to follow the actions of their parents so it is easy to see your own stresses in your kids. 

      What strategies have you used in calming 
      back-to-school jitters?

      Friday, August 15, 2014

      This Weekend in Weber County!

      Time for this weekend's roundup of educational, free, athletic, or just plain fun(!) events happening in Weber County!

        Enjoy Weber County!

        Wednesday, August 13, 2014

        Tips for an Active, Healthy Summer

        Exercising outdoors can be exhilarating! Summer workouts combine sun, fun and fitness. In case you need any motivation over and above the glorious warm weather, here are some tips for making the most of your summer and staying fit and active in the process. Just remember to dress appropriately, apply sunscreen, and drink lots of water.

        • Diversify: Take advantage of the outdoors by swimming, bicycling, walking, jogging, and playing golf and tennis. This variety of activities helps strengthen and condition all muscles groups. Putting the fun back into your workout also reduces boredom, the number one killer of good health and fitness regimens. Stop by the Health Promotion office on the 3rd floor of the Health Department to pick up a Weber Pathways Trail Map!
        • Don't Stop Using Your Club or Gym: It takes 30 days to make fitness a habit, and supplementing outdoor exercise with regular visits to your health club will ensure that you remain active during those rainy days, and especially when the temperatures begin to drop in September. You can earn up to 2 hours of vacation by having a gym membership!
        • Make it Social: One of the great things about exercise is that it doesn't need to be done alone. Call that long-lost friend that you don't see nearly enough and arrange to meet over a brisk walk or a dip in your local pool when the weather turns steamy. Find someone with a similar fitness level and try a variety of activities - you can help to motivate each other. You can earn up to 2 hours of vacation by having a pool membership and up to 4 hours by participating in an adult recreation league!
        • Stretch: The more you become active during the summer, the more important it becomes to implement a regular stretching regimen. Remember that your muscles may not be ready for the type of activity you're engaging in, so warm up and stretch to help increase flexibility, reduce the risk of injury and improve blood flow.
        • Protect Your Largest Organ: Put sunscreen on your skin EVERY MORNING as a routine (use moisturizers that contain sunscreen).
        • Use the 15 minutes Rule: Profit from the great summer weather. If you can walk there in 15 minutes or fewer - don't use the car! This also contributes to the health of the environment, not to mention your gasoline budget!
        • Buy a Bike: Or ride the one you have. You can use your bike to run errands, visit friends, or simply enjoy the robust outdoors. A good place to find a less expensive, used bike is the Ogden Bicycle Collective. They receive donations and their bicycle mechanics ensure they are in great working condition!

        What is your favorite way to be active outdoors?

        Friday, August 8, 2014

        This Weekend in Weber County!

        Time for this weekend's roundup of educational, free, athletic, or just plain fun(!) events happening in Weber County!

          Enjoy Weber County!

          Wednesday, August 6, 2014

          Where are YOU at?

          There are stages that people go through as they progress toward better health behaviors. These stages are formally known as "The Stages of Change." Each stage is a different mental state. Being mentally ready to make a behavior change is integral to physically making a behavior change.

          Let's explore the different stages to determine what stage you're in.

          1. Precontemplation
          People in this stage do not think they have a health problem and therefore aren't considering making a behavior change. They may also not know the benefits of changing their behavior.

          2. Contemplation
          In this stage people are starting to think about making a change but they are still not ready to make the change. Usually they're gathering more information and feeling positive about the behavior. An example is a smoker who begins to be aware of the negative effects of smoking.

          3. Preparation
          In this stage you are psychologically preparing yourself to engage in the behavior change and may already think of yourself as a healthier person.

          This stage, as well as contemplation, is what we've been in for the last few weeks as we get ready for the program to start (tomorrow!)

          4. Action
          Exactly as it sounds, you start doing the new healthy behavior! One of two things can happen in this stage. Either you have a successful experience and you feel motivated to continue the healthy behavior. Or you have an unsuccessful experience and you feel defeated and  you're less likely to continue the healthy behavior.

          Starting tomorrow we should all be in this stage! I hope we all have successful experiences and use this blog for support and motivation.

          5. Maintenance
          In this stage the behavior is fairly ingrained and starts to become a habit. The challenge in this stage is staying motivated. Relapses are common and it's easy to become defeated and want to give up.  A healthier response to a slip-up is to forgive yourself, you're only human, and to make sure the rest of your choices for the day are healthy ones.

          Where you are in the stages of change depends on your attitude and mind-set. If you are preparing yourself mentally to make a healthy behavior change you are more likely to succeed in this change. Hopefully this behavior change will become a life-long habit that will benefit you for the rest of your life and will allow you to be an example of health!

          Where do you feel you are in the stages of change?