
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year!: Time for Resolutions

Welcome to 2016! With the new year upon us, many will be making resolutions. Nearly 144 million Americans make New Years resolutions every year. Of those that make resolutions, only 8%  achieve their goal. At the top of the list are losing weight, getting organized and spending less. Whatever you decide to work on this year lets make sure you're successful by following these simple tips outlined by Forbes:
1. Set goals that matter to you, and that you can put energy around. Don't make them just because it's what you do in January. Be ready to commit.
2. Every resolution should have a plan to accomplish it. Don't just vow to change your career, determine what steps you'll need to take.
3. Rather than making all-or-nothing resolutions, build in milestones. For example, instead of attempting to hit the gym every day, commit to exercising 2-3 times a week and gradually increasing.
4. Believe in your own ability to change. Consider that every day, people in the worst of circumstances - whose lives have been wrecked by factors like addiction or trauma - decide to change their lives and do. If they can; you can. Whatever has happened in the past has no impact on what you can do with your future. None.
Resolutions, or any goal, should be S.M.A.R.T. - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound. Whatever it is you decide to work on this year we wish you the best of luck! You deserve the best life has to offer.
In the comments below let us know what your 2016 resolutions and goals are, we would be excited to hear them!